Dear Dancers,
Our Summer Solstice celebration, Chakra Journey: A 5Rhythms workshop with Heeraa Sazevich, is just around the corner. While it doesn’t feel like it here in Southern California, we are just a few weeks away from the official start of summer. Memorial weekend, the unofficial start, has often been sluggish in delivering warm weather (though my friends from colder climates might differ in definition). The wonderful thing about this lovely spot near Temecula is the warmth and arid climate of the high desert, the view of sibling peaks, San Gorgonio & San Jacinto. With several hot springs in which to soak, a swimming pool and a dry sauna, Elim is a good place to start summer off right. Our sweet little tribe is forming beautifully and organizing a weekend workshop is a dream come true. I look forward to hosting Heeraa and being in service to this community that has supported me so beautifully.
Love, Jenelle