Going with the Flow

What an amazing dance today! Snow birds visiting from the NorthWest and NYC brought the distinct 5Rhythms vibe to OC and I’m so grateful.

Our location is changing and I’m working to find one in Orange or the vicinity to continue to offer this grounded, dynamic practice.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me build this chosen family of conscious dance, so that wherever we go, we can still be home in our moving centers. To be continued…

Much love,


June 2024

I’m just back from the 5Rhythms Teacher Refresh which took place in West Virginia, and I definitely feel refreshed! Being with teachers from around the country, and some  international fed my soul and reminded me why this practice is such a meaningful part of my life. I’ve been so busy, feeling pulled in all directions and the Rhythm of Chaos is a great teacher of staying centered in the confusion that can happen with lots of irons in the fire.

How is your energy? Do you have some to burn or are you burning the candle at both ends?


How do I Flow?

What part of my body moves easily? Can I let that part show me my flow? Our beautiful exploration today was met with presence, insight and body intelligence. Grateful to be a part and a witness.

“Flowing is like a river, always moving, always changing. It’s a rhythm of grounding, of finding your center and surrendering to the flow of life.”

~G. Roth

Happy Father's Day

For those of us with complicated relationships with our dads, and for those whose fathers are deceased, this can be a day of ambivalence, activation and apathy. The invitation in our lives is to harness that father energy in the way we provide for ourselves, use tools for thriving and generally get things done. Thanks for a beautiful showing today of brave new students stepping in to embodiment using the energies of each rhythm as a tool.

“Don’t be afraid to show your light. If it ends up being too much for people, tell them to wear sunglasses!”

~G. Roth

Inner Fire

How does yes feel in my body? How do I express no? Do I need more time with maybe? I love this concept that having clear boundaries stokes my inner fire. Trusting myself and my higher power to have the answers, I am empowered and enlivened with yeses and nos.

“I choose to live by choice, not by chance,
To be motivated , not manipulated,
To be useful, not used,
To make changes, not excuses,
To excel, not compete.
I choose self-esteem, not self pity.
I choose to listen to my inner voice,
Not to listen to the random opinions of others.”
Author Unknown


My first class in mini-workshop style was as much about honoring my path, honing my skills and facing my fears as it was about building community. To my pleasant surprise, the community showed in such a grounded way. So much gratitude!

“Gazing up into the night sky, infinity is darker than dark. Endless space is our only container, infinity is our only boundary. For a moment I focus not on the stars, not on heavenly bodies, not even on black holes, but on space, pure space, the emptiness that has no beginning, middle or end, where form explodes out of nothingness, where big bangs are commonplace and filled with mystery, where getting born again and again is a simple enough matter, no need for holy water or raving evangelists.” Gabrielle Roth


Grit and Grace

I encourage myself to remember that being grateful doesn’t mean I have to keep a gratitude jar that counts my blessings. It just means I can reset my thoughts, just like in meditation, and choose instead to gently settle my attention on something positive. We don’t erase the pain — it’s still there — but we can broaden our perspective by opening to our pain and also opening to things other than the suffering we feel. ~Sharon Salzberg


Falling Leaves

Movement practice gets all your creative juices flowing. It doesn’t just release your body, but it opens up your heart and empties out your mind, as well. ~Gabrielle Roth


Ancestor Dance

Gratitude to our parents, grandparents and all our ancestors for this body, this life, this dance.


Maybe it’s all utterly meaningless.

Maybe it’s all unutterably meaningful.

If you want to know which,

pay attention to

what it means to be truly human

in a world that half the time

we’re in love with

and half the time

scares the hell out of us…

The unexpected sound of your name on somebody’s lips.

The good dream.

The strange coincidence.

The moment that brings tears to your eyes.

The person who brings life to your life.

Even the smallest events hold the greatest clues.

Frederick Buechner

Our first month back

We all share the wound of fragmentation. And we can all share in the cure of unification. ~Gabrielle Roth

Today was our last Monday in September, marking our first month back to a weekly class. I am so grateful and warmed by the quality of attendance, such beautiful souls coming together and moving authentically. I have received such openings, insight, and release in this practice, and especially so as I hold space for others on a weekly basis. I am faithful that this practice enlivens, enriches and engages us in a profound way. We are more than talking heads, we are more than what we do, we are dynamic beings whose energy can get unstuck by moving through the parts that need to let go.

Gratitude for summer fun

Be Silent and go into that place where everything is music.


Thank you for showing up for our summer pop-up classes, what a joy it’s been to be back in person with dancers from near and far! Starting September 5 we will be weekly, and with that comes an opportunity to be an important part of our dance community: CREW. We have space for 5 crew members to alternate weeks in exchange for class attendance. Space is also available for creative expression through art installations. Please let me know if this calls to you. It takes a village to create the space, and collaboration is fun (thanks Melissa)!

“Have compassion for everyone you meet,
even if they don't want it. What seems conceit,
bad manners, or cynicism is always a sign
of things no ears have heard, no eyes have seen.
You do not know what wars are going on
down there where the spirit meets the bone.” ~Miller Williams

Just this

Coming back from Vejle, Denmark, I’m newly inspired by the 2 weeks of dancing with 60+ souls from 20 different countries. And I’m always grateful to come home! J

“You can be fully in charge of your life only if you can acknowledge the reality of your body, in all its visceral dimensions.” Bessel Van Der Kolk



All this time

The Sun never says

To the Earth

“You owe me.”

Look what happens

With a love like that,

It lights the





Dearest Souls,

My heart is so full to see you showing up for yourselves and your community. Thank you! I wanted to share the poetry and quotes here because some of you asked.

“The way out of our cage begins with accepting absolutely everything about ourselves and our lives, by embracing with wakefulness and care our moment-to-moment experience.” ~Tara Brach

Last night, as I was sleeping,

I dreamt—Marvelous error!—

that I had a beehive
here inside my heart.

And the golden bees

were making white combs

and sweet honey

from my old failures

~Antonio Machado, translated by Robert Bly

Something's happening here

Dear ones,

I’m starting to peek my head out of the earth, where I’ve been working and healing and meditating and praying. My journey through these past couple years has been painful and transformative and I’ve been waiting for the call to return to the dance floor. Spirit has once again demonstrated the amazing abundance in front of me, if I only pay attention!

Dancing in my living room with my dog Lizzy and some amazing worldwide 5Rhythms teachers has been deep medicine. Thank you for your patience, care and concern, I’ve really enjoyed hearing from you on occasion.

I’m bursting with new music, excited about the space near the Orange Circle (can someone say Urth Cafe?) and looking forward to occasional offerings this summer. My intention is a weekly offering (beginning in autumn) on Monday to set good intentions for each week. In the meantime, keep an eye out for pop-up classes.

Calling all hard working people who work weekends, you are the force that keeps the world moving!

Much love, J

Flatten the Curve

Dear friends,

What a week it's been! Like you, I've been constantly processing the information on Corona Virus, and what it means to me and my ability to remain in service to you. For now, I have decided to do the responsible thing and suspend class offerings. I’m inspired daily by my teachers and colleagues in the global village of 5Rhythms® who are connecting through social media and using webinar technology. Since we don’t know how long this state of being will last, some things we can do is breathe, dance at home, and remain vigilant to keep ourselves and our loved ones well.

 Having had several siblings with auto-immune issues, I'm feeling especially sensitive to those with compromised immunity. Let's keep ourselves and each other healthy!

I will contact you in case things change, it seems they're changing quite rapidly and we must stay diligent to flatten the curve. For inspiration, 5Rhythms Italy started a hashtag #notouchstillconnected, follow it to remember that we are in this together.



While we are on hiatus, please dance online with Jonathan Horan and other special guest teachers. Monthly or per class payment options available. Go to:


5Rhythms® App

Our next Laguna Waves class is Wednesday March 11
New pricing and hours: $15 7-8:30pm
Pre-registration now available on 5Rhythms App, download at the App Store or Google Play
Use discount code SHAKE to save $$ for first time App users

5 Good Reasons to Download the App

Want to make attending class easy, fun and global? Here's why you'll be happy you did.

  1. Easily register and pre-pay for Laguna Waves class

  2. Get a reminder a few hours before class when you click favorite on the event

  3. Access 5R videos to develop your home practice

  4. Read monthly newsletters from the source

  5. Find classes when you travel around the globe

Don't forget to enter SHAKE for discount code when registering for your first class, your $2 discount offsets the $1.99 cost of the app. To receive reminders, you must click favorite on the event.

Chakra Journey at Elim Hot Springs June 21-23

Dear Dancers,

Our Summer Solstice celebration, Chakra Journey: A 5Rhythms workshop with Heeraa Sazevich, is just around the corner. While it doesn’t feel like it here in Southern California, we are just a few weeks away from the official start of summer. Memorial weekend, the unofficial start, has often been sluggish in delivering warm weather (though my friends from colder climates might differ in definition). The wonderful thing about this lovely spot near Temecula is the warmth and arid climate of the high desert, the view of sibling peaks, San Gorgonio & San Jacinto. With several hot springs in which to soak, a swimming pool and a dry sauna, Elim is a good place to start summer off right. Our sweet little tribe is forming beautifully and organizing a weekend workshop is a dream come true. I look forward to hosting Heeraa and being in service to this community that has supported me so beautifully.

Love, Jenelle

See you May 15

Dear ones,

This Saturday, I’m heading to New York for my long awaited beginning of 5Rhythms® teacher training (the first of 3 modules). This journey began for me around 2012, inspired by attending 5Rhythms’ founder Gabrielle Roth’s final workshop at Esalen before her passing, this practice that once saved my life became something I hoped to offer others. Through this path, I’ve found strength, tenderness and vulnerability I didn’t know I could embrace in me. As I step into the unknown, finding my edge, I am deeply grateful for the many dances I’ve had the privilege to witness here in my neck of the woods. This collaboration to collect and connect our Orange County tribe is impossible without you dear reader, thank you.

See you in a few weeks, Jenelle