Something's happening here

Dear ones,

I’m starting to peek my head out of the earth, where I’ve been working and healing and meditating and praying. My journey through these past couple years has been painful and transformative and I’ve been waiting for the call to return to the dance floor. Spirit has once again demonstrated the amazing abundance in front of me, if I only pay attention!

Dancing in my living room with my dog Lizzy and some amazing worldwide 5Rhythms teachers has been deep medicine. Thank you for your patience, care and concern, I’ve really enjoyed hearing from you on occasion.

I’m bursting with new music, excited about the space near the Orange Circle (can someone say Urth Cafe?) and looking forward to occasional offerings this summer. My intention is a weekly offering (beginning in autumn) on Monday to set good intentions for each week. In the meantime, keep an eye out for pop-up classes.

Calling all hard working people who work weekends, you are the force that keeps the world moving!

Much love, J